About Manigrip

We are a Danish startup specialized in designing and manufacturing high-quality assistive devices aimed at improving the lives of people with reduced hand function.

Meet the team

Manigrip is powered by passion, driven by a team that works every day to create an enhanced quality of life.

Portræt af founder

CEO and Co-Founder

Henrikke Kylén Pedersen

+45 24 84 68 03

Portræt af founder

Head of Sales and Co-Founder

Thomas Solgaard

+45 61 66 32 25

Our mission


Our mission is to assist individuals with reduced hand function in achieving a better life through valuable aids. We create inclusive designs that provide everyone, regardless of illness, with better opportunities to continue life unaffected.

Through inclusion and beautiful design, we believe that Wini can enhance the quality of life and make life a little bit easier. Our products should seamlessly fit into any home and be easy to take on the go. 

At Manigrip, we want patients to take pride in using their aids. We aim to contribute to a perspective on aids: aids are for the determined and strong-willed.

Meet the panel of experts

We have allied ourselves with a dedicated expert panel to ensure the quality of everything from the product to the packaging.


Kirsten Charlotte Pedersen

Kirsten is a trained occupational therapist and currently operates as a private practice occupational therapist. Through several years of employment in the public sector followed by a transition to the private sector, she has specialized in hand therapy and has also authored professional books on the subject. Alongside her husband, in their company K.C. Pedersen, they have developed and manufactured various products for both rehabilitation and assistive devices.

Read more about Kirsten


Karina Olsen

Karina is a private practice occupational therapist who, through activity science, works to assist individuals in finding meaningful solutions to everyday problems, enabling them to be as self-sufficient as possible in their lives. This is done precisely based on the motivation and resources of each individual because only they themselves know what is important and contributes to their quality of life.

Read more about Karina

Patient expert

Charlotte Secher Jensen

Charlotte has rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, and osteoarthritis. In 2015 , she won the EULAR Edgar Stene essay competition and frequently writes engaging texts about life with arthritis. She also serves as an administrator for various arthritis networks. In her daily life, she works in a part-time job as an accounting assistant in a small company.

Patient expert

Lisbeth Oxholm Snede

Lisbeth has rheumatoid arthritis and other related conditions. In her everyday life, she is a blogger for 'Livet Med Gigt' and 'Leddegigtportalen.' She is also the co-founder and co-director of the nonprofit organization 'Patient in Focus.' Previously, she worked as a consultant for Defactum and Koncern HR, focusing on patient involvement.

Read more about Patient in Focus

Patient involvement in focus

Meet some of our expert panel members and learn how we, at Manigrip, use patient involvement to create optimal aids.


A holistic company

We use ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) as a decision-making framework in the company. This means that we always consider these three pillars: environmental, social, and governance. These bottom lines form the basis for a simple analysis from which we make decisions about products and business.

United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

Sustainability and social responsibility

At Manigrip, we want to take societal responsibility, therefore, we work with the UN Sustainable Development Goals and strive to incorporate various forms of sustainability into our company.

Sustainable Development Goal 3.4

Our product is designed and produced with the aim of promoting well-being and better mental health for patients with reduced hand function. We have specialized in arthritis patients and their challenges with the help of our expert panel. The product is also targeted at other patients with reduced hand function, including conditions such as Parkinson's, Multiple Sclerosis, and Spinal Cord Injuries.

We have been fortunate to receive comprehensive assessments from our expert panel and other patients who use Wini in their daily lives. We see and hear that the grip improves their quality of life because they feel more independent and, as a result, the grip gives them more freedom. Customer satisfaction is high, as you can read more about in the 'Testimonials' section from experts and patients.

Manigrip is created to develop better aids that provide greater flexibility and improved conditions for self-help, something undeniably connected to quality of life and mental health.

Sustainable Development Goal 8.2

The product Wini is an innovative patented electronic grip, offering a multifunctional solution for patients with reduced hand function. This allows patients to use the grip on various objects of different sizes, ranging from kitchen utensils, toothbrushes, cotton swabs to brushes, crochet hooks, and writing tools. 

The product has been developed with the aim of creating a long-lasting and durable solution for patients both in private life and at work. 

Using ergonomic aids early in the course of an illness can spare the body and make it possible to stay in the workforce longer. Therefore, we collaborate with institutions and municipal occupational therapists to raise awareness about Manigrip.

We focus on helping patients to continue their lives as unchanged as possible after diagnosis, including in the workplace.


Sustainable Development Goal 8.5

The workplace should be a safe and comfortable environment. In addition to wanting to contribute to the overall well-being of society, we also prioritize well-being in the workplace. We hold the same ambitions for our partners and suppliers. Employee working conditions must be in order, and that's why we have chosen suppliers in Denmark to have a complete overview of the value chain. We have visited our suppliers multiple times and regularly communicate with them. We have experienced transparency and honesty towards us, which has formed a strong impression of the working conditions and how well they thrive in the workplace.

We strive to be inclusive and motivating towards each other, our employees, partners, and suppliers, regardless of gender, ethnicity, and religion.

Sustainable Development Goal 12.6 

Manigrip is a small company, and therefore, we do not currently engage in various forms of reporting. Nevertheless, we prioritize working with sustainability and continually incorporating it into our business. 

Wini is made of TPE plastic, which is environmentally friendly, non-toxic, and comfortable. It is a high-quality material that is strong and durable.

If there are faults or deficiencies, Wini is designed to be repairable, and parts can be replaced to extend its lifespan. The plastic can be melted down and recycled.

We are aware that as long as we produce and sell products, we are never 100% sustainable, but we strive to create solid and viable products that patients can have for many years. 

Our suppliers are Danish companies, and we have chosen this for several reasons. First and foremost, we want to try to reduce our environmental footprint and have a smaller carbon footprint. With suppliers in Denmark, we do not have to travel very far to visit them. This also means less travel and shorter distances to the suppliers. Our packaging is also supplied by a Danish supplier and is made of FSC-certified paper. The entire packaging can be sorted as cardboard waste and thus recycled.

From students to entrepreneurs

The journey began in 2016 when they faced a project in the Interaction Design course at Aarhus University with fellow students Sune Monrad Lindhardt and Kenneth Stie Pedersen. They agreed that they wanted to create a project that not only could help but also ensure the quality of life for patients with chronic diseases. In 2018, Henrikke and Thomas chose to take an internship in their own company, obtaining space in the Studentervæksthuset Aarhus. Here, the first prototypes were developed, now in collaboration with Manigrip's expert panel, consisting of Charlotte Secher Jensen and Lisbeth Oxholm Snede.

Read more about us


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