Interested in distributing Wini in your country, purchasing for a hospital, or for a patient? Contact us for a no-obligation conversation or see our current retailers.
Find retailer Contact usInterested in distributing Wini in your country, purchasing for a hospital, or for a patient? Contact us for a no-obligation conversation or see our current retailers.
Find retailer Contact usWini is a Class 1 medical device (Regulation (EU) 2017/745 of October 25, 2022). In other words, Wini meets stringent hygiene and usage requirements. Furthermore, Wini can be used and recommended by healthcare professionals.
Wini has been developed in collaboration with over 120 individuals affected by arthritis, occupational therapists, and the Danish Rheumatism Association. Wini's functionality and design are 100% based on the desires and needs of patients.
Wini is a unique and innovative assistive device. Its grip can securely hold various objects through a patented and flexible technology. But fear not - operation is simple and only requires a single press of a button.
With one grip, you can go a long way. The flexible closing mechanism allows the patient or healthcare provider to easily and quickly expand the gripping surface for various everyday tools, such as cutlery, toothbrushes, and spatulas, among others.
Depending on the patient's mobility, they can achieve greater self-sufficiency with Wini. Thanks to the grip's flexible closing mechanism, the patient can independently enlarge the gripping area for various everyday tools.
Because Wini is a medical device and the cover is of medical-grade quality, it can be cleaned to meet strict hygiene requirements. Therefore, Wini doesn't need to be discarded after use, unlike other competing grip enlargers.
At Manigrip, we collaborate with Danish suppliers, and the design is also proudly Danish.
Contact Head of Sales, Thomas Solgaard:
Tel. +45 61 66 32 25
Mail: thomas@manigrip.dk