The next generation of ADL tools

In Manigrip, we create world-class aids. Our first, award-winning, and innovative aid, Wini, can be used to get a better grip on the many narrow objects of everyday life. We are a Danish startup with a strong focus on co-creation, quality assurance, and ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance). Our mission is to improve the quality of life for patients with well-designed aids.

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The new generation of assistive aids

The target audience

Global challenges

We design aids for people with reduced hand function, such as the elderly or individuals with nerve damage, arthritis, Parkinson's, stroke, multiple sclerosis, or spinal cord injuries.

The number of people worldwide affected by mobility difficulties in their hands. 

require rehabilitation.

Created with patients

We have allied ourselves with a dedicated expert panel of patients and healthcare providers to ensure quality in everything from product design to packaging.

Read our blog post on patient involvement


We are always happy to answer your questions or assist wherever we can.

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Wini the grip enlarger

Patented and award-winning aid

Wini is a versatile grip that can be used for everyday tasks as well as pursuing hobbies. Wini helps in living life without compromising on using designer cutlery, an inherited fountain pen, drumsticks, or engaging in creative hobbies. Only imagination sets the limits.

More about Wini


What others are saying about Wini

Manigrips Wini – grip enlarger makes a difference for the patients who come to our clinic Ergoklinikken. Many of our patients have problems with hand function and thus difficulties holding writing tools, eating utensils, toothbrushes, etc. Having a grip that simply adapts to the object being held makes it easy for the patient to handle many everyday tasks with one tool, without having a drawer filled with tools with thickened grips.

At the same time, many of the patients experience a kind of freedom, as they have a solution in their bag when they need to eat either at a restaurant or at a friend's place, where the challenge may be whether they can grip eating utensils. Wini simply goes into the bag and onto the table when needed. 

Standing in the bank and having to sign something with a too thin pen is also an experience we have received feedback on, where Wini has been a great help.

So all in all, the feedback we receive from our customers and patients is very positive, and satisfaction is high, as Wini is reliable and dependable.

Kirsten C. Pedersen

Occupational Therapist - Ergoklinikken and K.C. Pedersen

Wini has proven to be a life-changing companion for me. I use the grip both at home for everyday tasks and always carry it in my bag on the go.

With the help of Wini, I can brush my teeth again and assist with cooking, among other things. I've even discovered that Wini can help with charging both the phone and computer, and serve as assistance in building with Lego. 

It brings joy to me that I now only need a minimal number of aids because Wini is multifunctional. Additionally, I don't feel tied to staying at home or dependent on others in the same way anymore. 

I experience less pain in my hands, and I feel more self-reliant, reducing the everyday frustrations I used to have. Overall, I feel more energy and mental well-being in my daily life after getting Wini.


Chronically ill with SLE (Systemic Lupus Erythematosus) and arthritis in the hands

Nothing has changed, yet everything is different with the electronic grip enhancer Wini in hand. With Wini, you have the ability to move your hand more easily and have more strength in your hand to perform everyday tasks or creative pursuits that bring you joy.  

Wini can be rotated to fit best in your hand. It can even be oriented differently depending on whether you need Wini with an eating utensil, a writing tool, a personal care tool, or something entirely different. This way, using Wini can actually provide more energy, making it easier to manage other aspects of life. It's entirely natural that with your first encounter with Wini, you'll likely need some time to get used to it. 

Manigrip provides opportunities in everyday life with extensive knowledge and practical experience in the sensory-based qualities of the grip enhancer. If you have any questions, you can always contact Manigrip for inquiries. 

I believe it's better to get to know Wini than to learn to live with pain or challenges, which may be alleviated with the help of Wini. What do you like to do? What have you done a lot of in the past? Maybe you can do it again with Wini.

Karina Olsen –

Private practicing occupational therapist with a background in activity science and sensory integration in people's everyday lives. Focus on creating meaningful moments in life. 

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Gigt i hverdagen

Gigt i hænderne: Wini er en hjælpende hånd i Sannes hverdag

Patient informationUng kvinde ved navn Sanne Bosat i Danmark Gigt i hænderne samt Systemisk lupus erythematosusHar fået bevilling til Wini gennem Bornholms Regionskommune I en hverdag præget af udfordringer, har Wini vist sig at være en livsforandrende [...]

Livet som pårørende

Livet som ung pårørende

Skrevet af Emilie Buhl Pedersen – datter og pårørende af Parkinsons patient.  Diagnosen I 2016 fik min mor konstateret Parkinsons sygdom. På det tidspunkt var jeg 16 år gammel og havde ingen kendskab til sygdommen. Det var [...]


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Gigt i hverdagen

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